What I Like in Centreon 2.5

Feb 13, 2014

3 mins read

I’m testing Centreon 2.5 with Centreon broker since one week. That’s why I decide to write some lines about some interesting features or changes. In this way you will not be surprised when you’ll install this release. Centreon 2.5 release is out, I can publish these lines.

UI Notification

This is a new way to notify Centreon users when there is an alert. I like this feature because it’s not very easy to work with email and no more need of Nagstamon. You could havd sound with it like on Nagstmon but here everything is on Centreon Web interface.

So what is UI notification in Centreon ?

It’s this kind of popup that will be open in Centreon when you have an alert.

Centreon UI notification

Centreon UI notification

Centreon UI notification

I like this feature and will play a lot with it.

Fix of metrics issues from NSClient++

If you are using NSClient++ with Centreon and Centreon Broker you should know there is an issue with disk graph. Indeed if you use alias_disk command (NRPE with NSClient), you may know that disk graph can’t be displayed in Centreon.

With Centreon 2.5 and Centreon Broker 2.6 it’s fixed ! Thanks a lot to Centreon’s developers for this fix, I owe you a beer guys.

Improvement of Logs menu

Last year I’ve wrote an article about logs menu which enable to see the historical of objects in Centreon. But now this menu was improved with colors. I like this menu and use it a lot everyday. I use this menu everyday, now with the color this menu is more fun and more readable.

You could see an example on the following screenshot:

Centreon Logs menu

Criticality configuration change

Since Centreon 2.4, you have the possibility to add a criticality level on services and hosts. This feature is only use for displaying in real time monitoring page (Monitoring tab). This option was available in an extra menu. In Centreon 2.5 this extra menu is no longer here. To see or set a criticality level you have to go on categories menu (Configuration>Services>Categories for example).

The categories menu is useful because it allow you to categorize your hosts or services. The categories are very interesting for configuring ACLs for example. Now on categories menu you could configure criticality level (severity parameter). For example you can add a criticality level on a category or just create a criticality level and so on.

You could see some examples on the following screenshots:

Category menu

Category criticality menu

Specific menu for contact templates

Since Centreon 2.3 you could use contact templates like for hosts and services. In a first time this feature was just for notifications but since Centreon 2.4 it’s also for ACL. For me this feature is very useful, because when you have to add a lot of IT guys (for example) in Centreon you just have to use a template and it’s done. It’s quick and simple and I like that.

In Centreon 2.3 and 2.4 contact template was in the same menu than “normal” users, now you have a specific menu like for hosts and services. It’s simple and easy to make difference between templates and objects.

You could see it on the next screenshot:

Comtact templates menu

Post restart command

I was very surprised when I’ve seen this menu but it could be interesting. Indeed now when you generate your configuration you run a post generation command. I didn’t use it yet but it could interest me in the futur.

you could configure your post-restart command in poller menu.

post-generation command

post-restart command

I didn’t play with all the features in Centreon 2.5 but I hope you will enjoy my post.

Sharing is caring!